Diminishing our comfort zone- The Art of Good Inner Life.

The art of a good inner life and sound mental health is being able to adapt to circumstances and the changing course of things. Sometimes, in spite of all the planning, things will not happen the way we want them to, or have envisioned. This leaves us feeling stressed, with all our energy sapped out. Who amongst us have not gone through intense feelings of disappointment, anger, experiencing unfairness etc.

It is exactly to handle these circumstances that we need to consistently work on strengthening our inner beings- to adapt to circumstances and accept reality when the need arises. This is not an overnight effort but requires daily work- to be able to bounce back faster, to be able to take intelligent actions and to not let vitality drain out completely.

A disclaimer here- as far as my understanding and investigation goes, there is no ideal inner state. Even if there is, it will need constant work to remain there! Therefore, trying to achieve that ideal state is a futile attempt. Rather, the endeavor should be to keep elevating the life state on a regular basis. This way, it will not seem so dark or hopeless when problems come our way.

In this article, I have made a humble attempt, based on my studies and experiences, to offer some ideas that will come handy to keep moving and advancing.

1)    Pay attention to attention: Several years ago, I heard this statement in one of Deepak Chopra’s audio books – “You are where your attention is”. This has stayed with me and comes in handy whenever I find myself going into a spin.

Pay attention to where your mind is more often than not- the past, the present or the future. If it’s in the past, feelings of regrets or wanting to relive glories might linger on, both of which are not productive in the longer run. If it’s in the future, anxieties, fears, over-planning etc. might take over. The best place to be is in in the here and now- where we are at that point in time – to increase productivity, focus, concentration. When we operate from this space, we will able to see reality for what it is, rather than projecting it into the future. Mindfulness and meditative practices can be adopted to Be Present.

2)    Thinking habits: Habits keep us in automatism; doing and thinking things without being consciously aware of them. While habits help us bring order and discipline, they can also limit our potential; it might keep us in our comfort zone. I invite you to deeply consider your thinking habits: It’s in the thinking that action takes place. And a new habit formation will require taking action. For example, the habit of always being late, even if by 5 minutes, or just catching the deadline. This might seem like a discipline and planning problem. However, the root of it lies in the thinking that it’s ok to be late, which allows the negotiation to take place. If it’s not ok, then, one will not be late!

Ask yourself- How many of actions / thoughts were based on impulse or were automatic? And then, take it a step deeper- which of these are limiting my actions and behaviors?

3)    Learning to Dare: Sometimes we are stuck in certain kinds of situations, due to repetitive patterns of thoughts and behaviors. For example, a person may have financial issues or relationship issues on a recurring basis. All other aspects of life seem to be going well, except this one! The way to break this cycle of a recurring problem / obstacle, is to break away from the pattern: to think and act in a new way. But of course, this will mean, first accepting that there is a pattern that needs a shift and then taking the risk to break it. The comfort zone will work harder to keep you there, and it is at that point that one needs to dare.

Ask yourself- How desperately do I want to overcome this situation? And be authentic in your response. A high rating will naturally mean that you are now ready to overcome that part of yourself that’s keeping you stuck.

Points 2 and 3 are closely linked. Writing a journal on a daily basis will help uncover some of these questions. (Yes, this is also a habit, but it is meant to trigger. If done mechanically, it will prove to be a futile exercise- exactly the kind of habits we want to become watchful of!)

4)    The Romance of immediate results: In a world and times that celebrates results over the process, this is a big trap you want to watch out for. It’s just like enrolling into a gym and expecting to lose 4-5 kgs within the first month of exercising in years! And that too, without maintaining the right diet! One of the reasons we see a big gap between gym enrolments and the actual users.

With the topic of inner work, it gets even trickier: There is no visible change that one can see. It is only in the actions, thoughts, behaviors, responses to situations that one can start to understand that definitely some shift has taken place. And it is only doing this work every day and in everything we do, that any concrete shifts can be expected. 

Ask yourself- Do I believe that I can become a better version of whom I am today? If the answer is yes, you are ready to start your journey.

Honestly, there are many more points that can be added here. Treat these as starters! The main course will follow, depending on how much you have enjoyed the starters. Cultivate patience above all- as it is that which will help you stay on course. 

As your co-traveler on this journey, I wish you all the best! 


Inclusive Outcomes through Inclusive Processes.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion- they are the new buzz words of the corporate world: the business benefits of having a diverse workforce is now a well-established concept. Experts have also talked about how companies with robust DEI practices, could respond better to the COVID crisis.

Organizations that are looking to start their DEI journey, often begin with putting diversity metrics in place- an increase in an X% of female employees of the diversity strands they are aiming for. While of course, this is a good place to commence, organizations often find it a challenge to sustain for one of two reasons; not having enough applications from the diverse candidates they are seeking to employ or too many expectations placed on one or two diverse candidates- almost as an experiment on seeing if a diversity intervention will work or not. This, however, is done without providing adequate support or growth opportunities for the candidate to succeed.

Enter: Inclusive Talent Processes.

An effective DEI strategy will impact employees at all stages of their career- from hiring to onboarding to career progression and development. Inclusivity has to be embedded at every stage of talent management- that identify the stumbling blocks that diverse candidates may face while applying for a position to ensure that employees feel their contributions are valued. Most importantly, that they do not feel like outsiders and sense being excluded from developmental opportunities.

For the above to happen, biases hotspots need to be identified and steps are taken to remove them or at the least mitigate their impact on the process itself. In this article, we have offered some trigger ideas for you to work with.

Inclusive Hiring:

In case, diversity metrics are what you are aiming for then close attention should be paid to your hiring process itself, which will, in turn, attract the right talent. Often, the diverse candidates feel that they may not be welcome or sometimes even suitable for your culture, due to which in spite of having the right credentials for the position, they may choose to not apply.

Some questions to ask yourself- are our JDs being written to attract only a type of candidate- for example, is it gender-neutral. Or are our current sourcing channels reaching diverse candidates, are interviews being conducted in the same setting for all candidates etc. There are many other factors to think about- the selection panel, the onboarding experience and others.

Inclusive Learning and Development:

This function can be the catalyst for building the culture of inclusivity as well as influence large scale mindset change. However, organizations do not always realize the massive impact that learning and development interventions can have! Biases can exist in the way training needs analyses are carried out and the way that targeted learning programs are designed.

Some trigger questions- Are our training programs designed to celebrate certain profile types. For example, is the communication training emphasizing extroversion as an important skill? Or is there too much focus only on inclusive leadership with no balancing interventions for employees at all levels to recognize everyday inclusive habits?

Inclusive Performance Management:

This process sets the tone and communicates to the employees on what and who is valued within the system! An inclusive performance process will ensure that all employees can improve their performance and build careers that they find meaningful and fulfilling. Biases exist in the way success is defined within the organization- a certain kind of personality type only, for example.

Some trigger questions: Does the review ignore employees are less articulate or less visible than their extroverted or more visible colleagues? Does the process allow employees to feel safe and authentic for exercising their working styles as well as expressing their identities? Are there performance standards defined for each role? 

Equitable Compensation:

Compensation is an important factor that affects engagement and motivation. Fair and non-discriminatory practices, that has benefits systems for historically under-represented groups will improve the experience of being included- not just on paper but in spirit as well. It’s important to recognize areas where pay parity can be better achieved and take active steps to close the gaps if any.

Some trigger questions: Have roles and positions been analyzed for similarities in expected outcomes? For example, sales roles irrespective of the brands or categories. Or are starting salaries the same for similar jobs? An especially important question here is- Do we have benefits programs to support diverse groups; sex re-assignment, flexible work policies for new parents, assistive aids for persons with disabilities.

The above are just some of the starting points. Making the process inclusive will first require an audit of the current system and then planning to fill the gaps. It’s important to recognize that results will not come overnight. Rather, it is only through sustained and consistent efforts will you start to see the changes.

In case you would like to know more about this topic, do write to me. Happy to talk. 


Focus on Mental Health – Everyday Mental Health Needs Attention

The pandemic sparked off dialogues globally on the criticality of good mental health in helping us deal with the many different crises that the unprecedented times brought with it- loss of jobs, financial insecurity, health concerns, fear of the future, grief and other issues. The Tokyo Olympics also brought to fore the need to start tackling stigmas around it.

And now when the world is preparing to go back to ‘normalcy’ we need to pay an even sharper attention to it. Be it in the form of full-time return to work /  education, or a hybrid model, both will require navigating through a new way of doing things and being. Just as we had to adapt ourselves during the lockdown, we will have to adapt ourselves now as well: Re-orienting to having an out-of-the house routine, battling with traffic, re-learning social interactions out of a two dimension set up, fear of health and safety, exposure….this list is long.

All these changes will require different coping mechanisms and will start to present mental health issues of a different nature. It is therefore critical that the dialogue on mental health is sustained to make ourselves and our future generations resilient.

Enter: Inner Life

Mental health is often considered to be about mental illness or extreme anxieties and stressors created by obstacles / problems. But a closer look will reveal that it is the inability to cope with everyday issues that depletes one’s energy and sense of fulfilment. Sound mental health requires that we pay attention to the way we live our daily life.

A consistent narrative that we hear during workshops and otherwise is that of dissonance stemming from remorse from choices made in the past, the need for external validation, outer success, the desire to look and be perfect, body and self-image issues to name just a few. These issues are like a dull pain that is not overwhelming yet, but is still creating discomfort.

While this does not impact a person’s ability to be a functioning individual, the daily nag leaves the individual feeling perennially dissatisfied. Happiness seems to be an elusive ‘something’ of the future and the search for it a never-ending pursuit.

There is a misguided idea that the root of happiness lies in living a problem free life. The endeavor then becomes to avoid situations that carry within it a possible problem in the future. And when stress hits hard, there is a tendency to sidestep it by going on holidays or filling life with so many activities that there is no time to think at all, hoping that there will be a natural resolution to it. On the other extreme to this are procrastination, staying in the comfort zone and the many manifestations of fear.

However, the strain continues to show up, irrespective of the denial mechanism one may adopt: Poor exercising and eating habits, sleep issues, emotional outbursts, loss of interest in hobbies, addictions, including that of social media, over indulgence of online entertainment platforms are some such signs.

In reality, it is not the problem itself but the inability to overcome it, even if just temporarily, that causes the stress. If denied for too long, it will finally reach a point of breakdown, when we finally seek mental health support.

But this should not be the case. Consistently working towards strengthening one’s inner life through everyday habits, thoughts and actions is what is needed. Just as we focus on physical fitness on a regular basis, mental fitness has to be part of one’s routine life too. Self-awareness of trigger points, meditative practices, learning new skills, becoming sensitive to one’s self-talk are some activities that can be considered as a start point.

We will be sharing some specific tips on this soon, but in case you have any activities that have worked for you, do share in comments.

Understanding Privilege

Understanding Privilege… When you no longer have it.

Understanding Privilege… When you no longer have it.​

Understanding Privilege
Image: Upasana Agarwal

Understanding Privilege… When you no longer have it.

Last month I observed my 100 days of being on bed rest. For those of you who don’t know, at the beginning of 2021, I had met with a massive accident in Goa (a place I have called home for the past few years). I did not realise then, but the accident would leave me physically disabled for months to come.

As I stepped into the shoes of a person with a physical disability, albeit temporarily, it opened a whole new vantage point for me. The world looked a lot bigger and a lot scarier from where I sat. As a person working in the space of diversity and inclusion, for the first time, I truly understood what privilege is. When it was taken away from me, I truly understood what it means and today, I have a deeper appreciation for it.

I would like to share with you some of the challenges that I faced, as this experience has made me more determined to continue to work in this space.


Accessibility: Not a walk in the Park.

Post the accident, I moved to my hometown, Kanpur for support purposes. Needing fresh air, I looked for a park to visit. To my surprise and somewhat of a shock, it took me a month to find a park that had a functional ramp at its entrance!

To be clear many parks do have ramps, but they are under lock and key. On further inquiry with the security personnel to open the gate, I was told, “The gate has been shut for many years”, “We do not know where the key is”, “Why don’t you go to another park”!

Upon further probing, I was told not many people with a physical disability visited the parks. Due to this, the parks that did have a ramp just simply closed the one gate that provided accessibility!

Is this apathy justified? I think not! 

This made me realise that the world around us is not a walk in the park. We face obstacles every step of the way, and for a person with a disability, this gets amplified. A person in a wheelchair or using crutches is denied the simple luxury of moving around freely and independently. Public places are rarely built keeping accessibility in mind and the ones that provide such facilities may be out of commission.

The question beckons- who is to be blamed for such insensitivity?  The society, The system or the security company? We as a society need to work together to ensure that everyone feels belonged, and one easy step is to view people with an equitable lens and recognise that all of us need support in our unique ways.


As a DEIB consultant, I also feel increasing the scope of stakeholders from just employees to support staff and employee families will create change with a stronger ripple effect. Sensitisation sessions and workshops with on-ground stakeholders help too.


True or False: Folks with disabilities don’t desire or can’t be in meaningful relationships.


Human beings are complicated, and we all desire and deserve to have meaningful relationships and where we feel loved and cared for. This need is felt by people with disabilities too. I had some amusing interactions while being on dating apps. Anyone who has been on such apps knows that after the usual banter, it comes down to business; when I say business, I mean the question, “What are you looking for?” (Keeping the current covid situation out of the equation), it would usually be met with a response such as someone to chat, a casual dinner/coffee date or an instant hook-up. Once the expectations are set, you move on to chatting about trivial details. If during our conversation, I’d disclose that I’m on bed rest due to an accident, it would be met with mixed responses from curiosity, empathy, shared experience or infuriating responses like, “Can you get it up!”, “That still works right”, “Why are you wasting my time when you can’t meet..” “you should have been honest with me at the beginning..”, “why don’t you find someone who compliments you”.

Internet is filled with trolls and people who think they can say anything within the safety of the screen. While I understand the difference in all its forms is often feared but what does one do with people who can be hurtful, intentionally or unconsciously?

To them, I say, you don’t need to understand my difference, but you surely can be respectful to a fellow human being. Isn’t that the very least that we can expect from each other?


Patronize me not!

We are humans and deserve respect.  Many friends, family members and even strangers at the airport or public spaces would say things like, “I know what you are going through” or “I know this must be hard.” (Disclaimer! I’ve also been guilty of saying such phrases in the past.)

While I do understand the need to offer support during such a time, such words don’t help the situation or the person. As a person without a disability, someone will never completely understand what the person is feeling or going through. Saying things like, “Please let me know how I can support you”, – may be more useful. Taking the empathy approach trumps over showing sympathy!

Many times during my hospital visits, a nurse would talk down to me and make me feel like “undesirable number 1” (shoutout to all HP fans). After two months, as I progressed from wheelchair to crutches, I noticed her attitude shift. She would behave more appropriately, with a brighter disposition. I’m still finding the answer to the question, why do people think someone is helpless in a wheelchair but intelligent and independent when standing up?

As I write this, it’s becoming even clearer that a lot more work needs to be done in the space of creating an equitable, inclusive society and bringing about change.

Let’s begin to celebrate our differences, both visible and unseen to the naked eye; they surely can be the foundation to a lasting relationship. And a step forward for the whole of humanity.

Inclusion of People with Autism.

Dr Josh Levine

Hello Dr. Josh, 

Please share a bit about your work with children with Autism.

My work with children with autism spans 20 years. Currently, I’m the Clinical Director at the #1 School for Children with Autism in Florida, The Sonder Academy. We complete everything for the child, from assessment to intervention, and follow-up to ensure progress in made. The school is a perfect combination of academics and Applied Behavior Analysis. Children also receive Speech, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy; along with art, music, play, and physical education. 

In my 20 years’ experience, I noticed a growing need to move from working with children to helping to bring relief to parents. I currently provide free webinars through my Facebook group, Dr. Josh’s PowerParent Group. In the webinars, parents receive simple, step-by-step, proven tools to help their child learn, grow, and prosper.

Tell us more about Autism and the form of disability that it falls under? 

Autism is a neurobiological condition. So, it’s important to note that there will be issues with how the brain communicates with itself and the rest of the body. Thus, the challenges can be numerous; from not reading social cues, to repetitive thoughts and behaviors. First thoughts are sensory issues, communication challenges, and anti-social behavior.  

Most of my families I work with have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, I also enjoy working with kids having other diagnosis. Regardless of diagnosis, what matters are the goals parents want for their child. My job is to ensure I coach parents on the simple, step-by-step, proven tools so they can help their child achieve their dreams.

Is it a developmental disability or a learning disability? 

Autism is mainly known as a developmental disability.

What are some of the key challenges that adults with autism face in navigating through daily life? 

Once we work with a child, we help them overcome some of the initial challenges as mentioned above. We now have an adult diagnosed with autism who can communicate very well, has learned coping mechanisms for sensory issues, and does not have behavior challenges. 

The largest challenge, however, for any adult, in this case, is anything that impedes that person from reaching their goals. For example, I worked with a 19-year-old named James who’s goal was to work at the campus bookstore. However, James did not have the social skills to answer questions from staff, or even speak with his colleagues at the store. In other words, social skills and being able to answer customer questions was impeding James from reaching his goal of working at the campus bookstore. I used 3 simple, step-by-step, proven tools to help James overcome these challenges; modeling, role-play, and generalization. Overall, the goal is to find out what the persons goals are, what is currently impeding those goals, and then how to best overcome those challenges.

In your opinion, do you think people with autism can be employed within organizations? If yes, what kind of jobs and roles do you think will be most suited for them? 


Autistic adults are, in general, very dependable, routinized, focused, detail-oriented, and show deep passion for their work. Many adults have fantastic technical and/or math skills, some that even elude their neuro-typical colleagues!

Here are a few companies that are currently targeting to hire individuals with autism:

·     Microsoft: Autism Hiring Program

·     SAP: Autism at Work Program

·     Freddie Mac: Partnered with Autism Self Advocacy Network

·     Walgreens: REDI (Retail Employees with Disabilities)

What are some of the difficulties of working with persons with autism? And some of the benefits in hiring them? 

Some difficulties could include an unwillingness to change quickly, lack of some social skills, and potential rigidity in thinking. 

Some benefits could include dependability detail orientation. Another unique one could be the in-depth knowledge they may possess about a certain subject; being quite single minded in their interest, people with autism can build a very deep knowledge about a subject, making them an asset indeed. 

What are some key aspects for organizations to keep in mind while hiring persons with autism? 

Communication challenges is definitely one area for an organization to keep in mind. This can happen with staff who are neuro-typical as well. However, individuals with autism may find it extra difficult to understand body language and facial expressions, and this can sometimes hinder communication.

Repetitive Behaviors will play a role for an individual with autism in an organization. People with autism often see the world a bit differently, and thus may enjoy the security of familiarity and routine. For an organization, this can be a positive trait!

Socialization deficits will play a role with how individuals with autism behave in the presence of others. For example, if a person with autism is unsure about something that may have occurred in the workplace, they may retreat within themselves and get overly quiet.

What kind of an eco-system should be provided | created, to enable that they are able to live a life of dignity? 

Companies should begin Diversity and Inclusion training in their workspace. This type of program would help organizations be mindful of the special environmental arrangements that are needed for a person with autism to lead his or her working life with dignity and respect. 

Along the same lines, having peer mentors would be helpful as an extra emotional cushion of support. The mentor can also be helpful in enabling the individual with autism to learn the hard skill sets needed to be successful at a job. Thus, having a peer mentor system would provide some extra cushion with the learning of both soft and hard skill sets for an individual with autism. 


What will be your advise for team leads and team members to interact with their autistic colleagues? 

·     Keep an open mind

·     Take time to learn about autism

·     Ask lots of questions

·     Read books that are first-person perspectives on autism (e.g., Ido in Autismland)

How can a corporate create an autism-friendly work environment?

            The work environment may need adhere to a design that is more appropriate for individuals with autism having sensory issues, or other needed help with executive functioning skills. Here’s a few bullet points to consider for office spaces:

·     Assigned workstation or office or work area

·     Work area away from noise, traffic, visual distraction, & food 

·     Paired with mentor when appropriate

·     Clear visual instructions

·     Lighting well controlled for glare, color rendering, and intensity Exposure to natural lighting with controls

·     Storage for personal items and electronics

·     White noise in area that is programmable, softer or louder 

·      Access to a gym or exercise room
